CEA Annual Golf Outing August 6, 2021

We are so Happy to let you know that the Chicago Elevator Association (CEA) held their annual golf outing at the Gleneagles Country Club to benefit the Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation (EESF). The outing had a great day for the golfers. All of the attendees were definitely winners at this year’s charity event. A delicious dinner was provided to the attendees following the outing, and the prizes kept them all in smiles.

The event had a 50/50 drawing for the EESF. The CEA would like to Thank Brad Hunt of the Peelle Company, for helping with the collection of $1410.00 dollars for the drawing. We also raffled off a Chicago Blackhawks Sweater of Jonathan Toews. We collected $310.00 dollars for the sweater raffle.

 This years EESF charity event was a huge success. The CEA Annual Golf Outing helped the EESF by raising an additional $4000.00 dollars to further their mission.

 The CEA would also like to thank our golf outing Committee. Glenn Duncan and Tom Przybyla, from Parts Specialists, Inc., Gerry Adams from Adams, Joe Bolton from Lakeland Larsen Elevator, and Mark Wilson from ELSCO.

 The golf outing was only successful due to the support of our sponsors.

 We wish to say Thank You!